Friday 13 October 2023

Four Important Stories from Surah_Al_Kahf

1.First Story
" The people of the cave – A Test of Faith"

There was a group few young people who belived in Almighty Allah . It was for their faith they were forced to leave their homes. They left their homes and found a cave to rest in. They felt asleep for approximately 300 years and all they felt was as if they have slept for just a day when they woke up.
               Image Source:

 One of their campanions went in search of food. He left the cave and went into the town or village market. The people in the market found him different from the people around. He wanted food in exchange of a coins which were outdated. This was in itself an indication for the people who saw him in the market and for the men of the cave aswell that they slept 300 years approximately without food and water.
 There is no mention of number of men who were in the cave in Holy Qur'aan. However, in Bible (" The seven sleepers of the Ephesus" ) they are believed to be seven in number.

Note: The theme of this historic event  is that, Almighty Allah will Protect those who have belief in his majesty even in toughest of the circumstances.


It was the spring of 2022, me as a  member of EUREKA family planned a trip to DACHIGAM NATIONAL PARK. In the group I was accompanied by beautiful hearted Zahoor Ul Islam and compassionate soul Isral Ul Haque.
 In the limited time of 2 hours we visited the Caged Himalyan Black/Brown Bear, Leopard and Royal Kashmiri Stag aka Hangul. In addition to this we visited the fresh trout fish beds. Moreover a large number of birds and plants also came to our notice while switching from East to West of the conserved area. In our trip we were equally happy and saddened by the scenes which flashed across our minds. 
Seeing a conserved are specially for flora and fauna within the highly commercialized area of J&K was worth appreciating and thanks giving, but this at few steps we were saddened seeing the crippled animals in steel wired Meshes.

Ahmad Sirhindi ‎رحمت ‏اللہ ‏علیہ

 al-Fārūqī al-Sirhindī (1564–1624) was an Indian Islamic scholar, a Hanafi jurist, and a member of the Naqshbandī Sufi order. He has been described by some followers as a Mujaddid, meaning a “reviver", for his work in rejuvenating Islam and opposing the newly made religion of Din-i Ilahi and other dissident opinions of Mughal emperor Akbar. [3]:92[4] While early South Asian scholarship credited him for contributing to conservative trends in Indian Islam, more recent works, notably by ter Haar, Friedman, and Buehler, have pointed to Sirhindi's significant contributions to Sufi epistemology and practices.[5].
Most of the Naqshbandī suborders today, such as the Mujaddidī, sirahauzi sandilvi, Khālidī, Saifī, Tāhirī, Qasimiya and Haqqānī sub-orders, trace their spiritual lineage through Sirhindi.
Sirhindi's shrine, known as Rauza Sharif, is located in Sirhind, Punjab, India.

Education of Sirhind رح and his links with Kashmir 
Ahmad Sirhindi was born on 26 May 1564 in the village of Sirhind.[3]:90 He received most of his early education from his father, 'Abd al-Ahad, his brother, Muhammad Sadiq and from Muhammad Tahir al-Lahuri.[6] He also memorised the Qur'an. He then studied in Sialkot, which had become an intellectual centre under the Kashmir-born scholar Kamaluddin Kashmiri.[3]:90 [7] There he learned logicphilosophy and theology and read advanced texts of tafsir and hadith under another scholar from Kashmir, Yaqub Sarfi Kashmiri (1521-1595), who was a sheikh of the tariqa Hamadaniyya Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani Sufi Order. Qazi Bahlol Badakhshani taught him jurisprudence, prophet Muhammad's biography and history.[8][9]        

Saturday 10 September 2022


A large number of websites and blogs are there on internet about this Great Islamic Scholar, but I have found a well balanced and more authentic account related to the early life and education of Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri RA. I have given the link below. Some images realed to this scholars as available on internet.
To know more 

A complete research article about Shah Sahib رحمۃ اللہ علیہ یہ titled 
Yunoos Osman 
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree DOCTOR OF 
PHILOSOPHY (D. Phil) in the School of Religion and Culture, Faculty of 
Humanities, University of Durban-Westville. 
For Detailed PDF of Research Paper

images: 1 photo of Moulana A.S.K r.a.
                  2,3photos of his ancestral                                    home.

Monday 30 November 2020

10 Facts About HIV/AIDS , World AIDS DAY

On World AIDS Day, 10 Facts About HIV/AIDS You Must Read

Did you know these 10 facts about HIV/AIDS?
Dr Niruta Sharma
The number of adolescent deaths from AIDS has tripled over the last 15 years (Photo: iStock)

The number of adolescent deaths from AIDS has tripled over the last 15 years (Photo: iStock)
Health News

(Even though medical science has overcome significant hurdles, HIV-AIDS still remains one of the biggest public health challenge, with millions of new cases being diagnosed every year. December 1 is the World AIDS Day which unites people in the fight against this deadly disease.)

AIDS is a major threat to society – the disease has the ability to wipe out the majority of human population. Globally more than 36 million people are living with HIV including 2.6 million children. In fact more than 2 million were infected last year itself.

The member countries of the United Nations agreed in September 2015, in a new set of global goals, to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

Here are some facts about the deadly HIV-AIDS:

Fact Check: HIV-AIDS
In 2015, Cuba was the first country declared to have eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV (Photo: iStock)
 In 2015, Cuba was the first country declared to have eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV (Photo: iStock)

1) HIV is the name of the virus and which causes AIDS (Auto immune deficiency syndrome). There are two types of viruses – HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the culprit in most cases, primarily a zoonotic virus present in chimpanzees, apes and monkeys; when and how it crossed over to humans in the last century is unclear. After human-to-human transmission it has reached an epidemic proportion.

2) HIV-1 has no cure, but efficient options for treatment are now available. With proper medication, the onset of AIDS can be delayed.

3) Once a person is infected with HIV, the virus attacks the CD4 fighter cells in the body and decreases immunity.

4) In the early stages of HIV, there are no symptoms. This is precisely why it is important to get tested if you are high-risk.

5) Who is high-risk? Anyone with multiple sexual partners, or anyone who goes to sex workers. Homosexuals compromise of 60 per cent of fresh cases, so men with same-sex partners must watch-out. Anyone who has used intravenous drugs, or has had a blood transfusion with infected blood, or even doctors and paramedics who handle HIV/AIDS cases all the time are also vulnerable. In the absence of any interventions, an HIV positive mother can transmit it to her child during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

6) The initial symptoms can be flu-like, fever, runny nose, headache, fatigue etc. This stage of HIV is called acute retroviral syndrome or ARS. Since these symptoms are hard to distinguish from regular flu, in this period, the person might unknowingly transmit it to others, especially their spouse.

7) As the disease advances, the immunity lowers, and slowly the symptoms of AIDS set in. Patients report loss of appetite, lose weight, vomit frequently, get diarrhoea; infections like pneumonia, tuberculosis, bacterial and fungal infections and even skin and soft tissue cancers can set in.

8) A study by the World Health Organisation estimated that one in every five HIV positive people are unaware of their status. Therefore, if you are in that vulnerable group, get yourself tested for HIV.

ELISA test, which is a kind of a blood test, is readily available in all hospitals. There are even some home testing kits for HIV. But remember that your positive status might not reflect for a good three months after unprotected sex. This three month window period is dangerous as HIV test will be negative but you can still spread the disease.

9) Once HIV test is positive one must go to a government hospital where dedicated ART (Anti Retroviral Therapy) clinics are run by specially trained staff. Here they give you free treatment for HIV. Once full blown AIDS is diagnosed, the patient needs to be admitted and treated as per the World Health Organisation’s guidelines.

10) Condoms are one of the best methods of prevention. Multiple sex partners is always risky. If you are going for a blood transfusion, make sure the hospital tests the blood before administering it to you. The medical fraternity should take care of positive patients according to the World Health Organisation guidelines.

And don’t forget that HIV does not spread by shaking hands or hugging. Like Charlie Sheen recently came out of the HIV closet, your partner needs to know it too. So don’t hide it and help curb the spread of this deadly disease. The World Health Organisation has pledged to make the world free of HIV by 2030.

(This story was first published on World AIDS Day in 2015)

Sunday 27 September 2020

Brimij Kull 🌳

Celtis australis, commonly known as the European nettle tree, Mediterranean hackberry, lote tree, or honeyberry,[2] is a deciduous tree native to Southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia Minor. The tree was introduced to England in 1796.

Scientific classification









C. australis

Binomial name
Celtis australis
                     ⬆️ Distribution map


Common Names 

 In different countries, Celtis australis is known under the following common names:

  • Albanian: carac;
  • Arabic: الميس (mays);
  • Bulgarian: копривка;
  • Catalan: lledoner;
  • Croatian: koprivić, obični koprivić, ladonja, farikul, fafarikula, pelegrinka, kostela, kostjela, koštela, košćela, koščela crna;
  • English: the honeyberry tree, European hackberry, hackberry, nettle tree, Mediterranean hackberry;
  • French: micocoulier;
  • German: Zürgelbaum;
  • Hindi: ku, batkar, khark, khirk, roku;
  • Italian: perlaro, bagolaro;
  • Kashmiri: Brimij
  • Nepali: khari;
  • Polish: wiązowiec południowy
  • Portuguese: lódão-bastardo, lodoeiro, ginginha-do-rei, agreira;
  • Romanian: sâmbovină
  • Slovenian: koprivovec;
  • Spanish: almez, lodón, ladón, ojaranzo, hojaranzo;
  • Turkish: adi çitlembik;

Trade names are: nettle wood, brimji.


It is often planted as an ornamental as it is long-living and resistant to air pollution. The fruit of this tree is sweet and edible, and can be eaten raw or cooked. The leaves and fruit are astringent, lenitive and stomachic. Decoction of both leaves and fruit is used in the treatment of amenorrhoea, heavy menstrual and inter-menstrual bleeding and colic. The decoction can also be used to astringe the mucous membranes in the treatment of diarrheadysentery and peptic ulcers. A yellow dye is obtained from the bark. The wood is very tough, pliable, durable and widely used by turners; the flexible thin shoots are used as walking sticks.

Four Important Stories from Surah_Al_Kahf

1.First Story " The people of the cave – A Test of Faith" There was a group few young people who belived in Almighty  ...